This website https://4bishosting.com (de ‘Website’) is owned by 4BIS Innovations B.V. (henceforth be known as ‘4BIS’), a company with address Nijverheidsweg 27, Haarlem. 4BIS is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 73025267.
The following applies to the Website. By using the Website you agree to this disclaimer.
Content Website
4BIS reserves the right to change or remove the content of the Website and this disclaimer at any time without having to notify you. 4BIS pays a lot of care and attention to the content of the Website, but the use of (information on) the Website is at your own risk. Despite our best efforts, it is possible that the content of the Website is incomplete, outdated and/or incorrect. The content of the Website is therefore offered without any form of guarantee or claim to correctness. All prices shown on the Website are subject to apparent errors due to, for example, incorrect input or technical problems. 4BIS is not liable for the consequences of such errors. No agreement is concluded between you and 4BIS on the basis of such errors.
4BIS is not liable for any damage or other adverse consequences resulting from the use of (information on) the Website. If you perform actions based on (information on) our Website, this is at your own risk. No agreement is concluded between you and 4BIS on the basis of obvious errors and/or incomplete or outdated information. 4BIS is not liable for the Website not being accessible or available as a result of a malfunction and 4BIS is not responsible or liable for malfunctions in third-party networks through which access to the Website is obtained. In addition, 4BIS is not liable for content of the Website that originates from third parties. The Website contains hyperlinks to websites of third parties. 4BIS accepts no liability with regard to (the content of) these websites and/or services of third parties.
Intellectual property
All intellectual property rights with regard to the Website are vested in 4BIS insofar as they are not vested in third parties. Without the prior written permission of 4BIS it is not permitted to publish, reproduce, store or offer for sale (parts of) the Website, information on the Website or other material shown on the Website in any form whatsoever. .
If you have any questions and/or comments about this disclaimer, please contact 4BIS via hello@4bis.nl.